Saturday, July 11, 2009


I have been thinking a lot about the friends I have. I have really great friends. I mean, the absolute best! This week I have seen two of them doing things for me that went over and beyond being a good friend.
On Thursday I took Kennedy to the Children's Museum with a very good friend and her two children. When we left Kennedy wanted some milk so I type fast food into my GPS to get to the nearest place I could drive through and get some milk. The GPS said there was a McDonald's about .5 a mile away and my friend asked the address and I told her and she said that was in the Science Museum. Thank you to her for not letting me drive around the circle looking for the McDonald's. I could see it now! What a great friend! She tells me there is a Wendy's near by so I follow her there. At this point I have no idea where I am, but that's okay because my trusty GPS will guide me home. Well she decides to wait for me and I get stopped at a red light and she had gone on through. This FRIEND waits for me at the next light that is green! She waits until I can come through. Now that is a great friend.
Then today I decided to join Kingwood Fit. We will go into that craziness in another blog! Anyway, This morning was the time trials to see which running group you will be in. I already knew which group I would be training in, but I wanted to know I could do the 3 miles. So my friend and I start off together but she went on and I kept running. I did really well for never running before. I was almost finished, probably had 1/2 a mile left when here comes my friend running back to get me to help me finish! What a great friend!
I am truly blessed! These are just two examples from this week. My friends do things like this for me all of the time. Thank you to all of my friends.

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