Saturday, May 15, 2010

Running Around

So last July (2009) I registered to run the Houston Half Marathon in January 2010. July began with the training. Not fun. Not fun at all. I got up during the week and met my friend Robin to run each morning at 5:00 AM. We followed a schedule and then Saturdays were our 'long runs'. The training program we were using would send a map each week for the Saturday runs. The same time I began this training my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. So I didn't always make the weekend runs because sometimes I was in Iowa visiting her or other things came up. My goal for the marathon was to finish. I didn't care if I ran a 10 minute mile or a 13 minute mile, I wanted to finish. I didn't care if I had to walk. I just wanted to finish. Well my mother passed away in January and we were not in Houston for the half marathon, so I did not run. I will sign up again in the summer to run next year's marathon. I did, however, run a 10K run in February for the Rodeo Run. The before and after were fun. I ran with some girls from my school. The during was not fun - but I finished and that is what is important.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's been a LONG time!

WOW! It really has been a long time since I have blogged and so much has happened. Anyone who is a teacher, understands how hard it is during the school year to do everything that needs to be done, plus anything extra! I always tend to add the extra - and not just a little extra, but a lot of extra. For example, I teach 4th grade, am one of the 5 administrators for the National Board cohort for our school distinct, and I teach adult classes online for the Alternative Certification for Teaching Program! That doesn't not include anything else I do like be a mom to a WONDERFUL 5 year old, try to keep my house clean, take Sweet Pea to birthday parties on the weekends, cook, laundry, etc, etc, etc!
So last weekend my fairly new laptop crashed. Fun. So today I am going through the stuff sweet Hubby recovered for me and decided I should blog. I reread everything I wrote before and decided I needed to get caught up.
It's been a very long year. Lots has happened. On July 28 my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and she passed away on January 9th. It's been 4 months tomorrow and I miss her like crazy. She fought a very long and tough battle though and I know she is much better where she is now, looking down on us! It's been tough on Sweet Pea as well. Poor baby cries for her grandma daily.
I'm off to a baby shower, but will blog tonight. Need to recap on the rest of the year, including that half marathon! :)